The Agricultural University of Athens as a fundamental partner of the Project LIVECLIC – Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change

The Agricultural University of Athens as a fundamental partner of the Project LIVECLIC – Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change.
The Agricultural University of Athens is a fundamental partner of the Project called LIVECLIC – Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change. The particular project has a 30 months duration, with starting date the 1st of November 2021 and termination of the project, the 30th of April 2024, being co-funded by the Erasmus + Program and focused on climate change and mitigation processes. The project LIVECLIC, having as a Scientific Coordinator on the part of Greece, Mr Iosif Bizelis, Professor Emeritus of the Agricultural University of Athens, aims at providing training to professionals doing business in the agrifood sector, who often show a lack of skills related to the sustainable management of farms, as well as food consumers, who should receive more information on their choices and habits, in ecological terms.
To become more specific, the Project entitled LIVECLIC– Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change, is addressed to farmers in the field of animal production, members of cooperative associations, food business operators, and professionals in the domain of storage, transport, and logistics, including also consumer organizations, with a view to enabling behavioural changes for individual preferences, inasmuch changes in consumption habits and lifestyles in general, including aspects, such as the reduction of food waste.
LIVECLIC, by means of the development of training courses, aspires to raise the awareness of participants, with reference to the necessity of planning for sustainable growth. Furthermore, LIVECLIC has the intention of strengthening the competences of specific professionals in the agri-food sector, thus making them critical actors for change, by promoting specific EU Green Deal strategies, in addition to promoting the exchange of best practices amongst the partner countries. The responsibilities to be gained, fall under the remit of the Project, pertaining mainly to sustainable farming, circular economy, and a green supply chain, thus contributing to the sustainable adaptation of livestock production and its supply chain to Climate Change (CC).
Along these lines, the desired effect shall be the development of training courses content tailored to the needs of the partner countries and based on EU strategies and priorities, as well as on the best practices of each partner country, regarding the sustainable adaptation of livestock production to climate change. Besides, implementation of pilot training courses, such as training and workshops with physical presence, along with simultaneous live broadcasting for specific participants (such as farmers in remote mountain areas, or on small islands), is going to contribute in a positive light towards the sustainable adaptation of livestock production to climate change.
The partners of the particular program are described as follows: Eesti Maaulikool (Estonia), Agricultural University of Athens (Greece), Creative Thinking Development (Greece), CO&SO-Consorzio per la Cooperazione e la Solidarieta'-Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali -Societa' Cooperattiva Sociale (Italy), Genista Research Foundation (Malta), Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II (Morocco), University of Sousse (Tunisia), Universita Degli Studi di Torino (Italy).
For more information, all the interested parties can visit the following link: