The Rectorate


Spyridon Kintzios, Professor - Director of the Laboratory of Cell Technology of the Department of Biotechnology of the School of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, Director of the Center for Applications of Cell Biological Technologies, Scientific Supervisor of the European University on Smart Urban Coastal Zone Sustainability -  EU-CONEXUS, as well as Scientific Coordinator and Manager of the Project Smart Agriculture and Circular Bioeconomy – SmartBIC.

e-mail: r@aua.gr

Vice Rector


Helen Miliou, Professor - Director of the Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology of the Department of Animal Science of the School of Animal Biosciences.

e-mail: vr3@aua.gr

Vice Rector


Thomas Bartzanas, Professor - Director of the Laboratory of Farm Structures of the Department of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering of the School of Environment and Agricultural Engineering.

e-mail: vr1@aua.gr

Vice Rector


Emmanouil Flemetakis, Professor at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the Department of Biotechnology of the School of Applied Biology and Biotechnology.

e-mail: vr2@aua.gr        Curriculum Vitae



Rector’s Office Secretariat

For issues related to the Rector and the Vice Rector for Academic and Administrative Affairs, Lifelong Learning and Extroversion:

Papaspiridi Lefki - Maria, tel: ++30210-5294802, e-mail: leriapap@aua.gr


For issues related to the Vice Rector for the European University, Internationalization and Student Affairs, inasmuch the Vice Rector for Research, Finance and Development:

Sophia Nikolaou, tel.: ++30210-5294905,e-mail: sophianikol@aua.gr


A. Scope of Responsibilities assigned to the Vice Rector for the European University, Internationalization and Student Affairs

-Dealing with and being responsible for all subjects related to the European University EU-CONEXUS concerning Smart Urban Coastal Zone Sustainability,

-Planning and Functioning of Foreign Language Study Programmes so as to boost the  International profile of the University,

-Coordination of Public and International Relations, enhancing the participation of the University to national and international fairs, fora, conferences, committees, etc,

-Supervision of Student Affairs which pertain to dining and housing/accommodation services, health care, scholarships, awarding, study visits and field trips,

-Reinforcement of the Institution of the Student Advocate and all the Internship issues, along with catering for Students with Special Needs,

- Monitoring of the actions performed by the Career Services Office, inasmuch those undertaken by the Employment and Career Centre (DASTA),

- In charge of the proper organisation and smooth operation of the Library and Information Center,

-Consideration for cultural, social, environmental and sport activities,

- Mapping, implementation and running of the webpages of the Agricultural University of Athens, as well as the management of the AUA social media,

- Overseeing Cleaning Services infrastructure - beautification included,

-Promotion of a global and community outreach by seeking international studies, opportunities, events, efforts and partners under the framework of EU Projects and Programmes.


B. Scope of Responsibilities assigned to the Vice Rector  for Research, Finance and Development

-Possessing the Presidency of the Research and Management Committee of the Special Research Funds Account,

-In charge of the organisation and functioning of the financial Issues related to the Directorate of Finance, inasmuch having the Vice Presidency of the pertinent Special Fund,

-Drawing up of the annual budget, the balance sheet of the University, as well as the preparation of the final financial calculation in collaboration with the Rector,

-Overseeing the smooth operation of the Directorate of Technical Services catering for the energy upgrading and the improvement of the environmental efficiency of the building facilities,

-Monitoring and Implementation of the National Development Programme,

-Dealing with issues upon mapping, planning and funding of National, European and International Programs,

-Consideration for Caretaking Services,

-Fostering Research Strategy,

-Representation of the University at all the actions scheduled by the Competence Centre Smart Agro – Hub.


C. Scope of Responsibilities assigned to the Vice Rector for Academic and Administrative Affairs, Lifelong Learning and Extroversion

-Monitoring of the organisation and functioning of the Academic Departments, including student enrolments and transfers,

-In charge of the efficient running of the Administrative Directorates and Services,

-Overseeing all the responsibilities that fall within the Unit of Digital Governance pertaining to the IT, Communications and Network Services,

-Possessing the Presidency of the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) and that of the Center of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning, expressing the vision and mission of the Quality Assurance Policy, in addition to supporting the development of a Quality Culture according to which all internal stakeholders assume responsibility for Quality and get involved in the Evaluation and Accreditation Process of the AUA Quality Assurance System, in collaboration with the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE),

-Getting involved with Staff Mobility Issues abroad for Research, Academic and Administrative Purposes in general and within the ERASMUS+ framework in particular, expressing AUA outreach actions in an international level,

-Making preparations and proposals to the competent AUA Bodies for the Strategic Planning, Development and Evolution of the Agricultural University of Athens,

-Mapping the Annual Programming and Strategic Goals set in collaboration with the Rector and the Vice Rectors in general, in addition to supervising their accomplishment,

-Obtaining full awareness of the Academic and Staff Regulations of all the AUA Teaching Categories, namely the Faculty Staff, the Special Teaching Staff, the Special Laboratory Teaching Staff and the Special Technical Laboratory Teaching Staff of the Institution,

-In coordination of all the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Subjects, inasmuch the Lifelong Learning Programs that promote the fundamental lines of action of the AUA Center of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning,

-In charge of the Eudoxus – the Digital Innovative Service for the immediate and integrated provision of University books to Higher Education students,

-Having under his supervision the organisation and effective running of the Hub of Innovation and Extroversion at the AUA infrastructure in Spata, in order to contribute to strengthening the outward looking of the University.