Postgraduate Studies
- «Landscape Architecture» (Department of Crop Science)
- «Innovative Applications in Sustainable Agriculture, Plant Breeding and Agrometeorology» (Department of Crop Science)
- «Cutting-Edge Sectors and Innovative Applications in the Production and Maintenance of Horticultural and Floricultural Species» (Department of Crop Science)
- «Integrated Plant Protection and Environmental Management Systems» (Department of Crop Science)
- «Plant-Rhizosphere-Soil: The integrated management of the nutrition of cultivated plants» (Department of Crop Science)
- «Ecology and Management of the Environment» (Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Management)
- «Systems Biology» (Department of Biotechnology)
- «Food Science and Technology» (Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition)
- «Current Food Technology: I) Dairy Science & Technology II) Oenology» (Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition)
- «Food, Nutrition and Health» (Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition)
- «Natural Resources, Geoenvironment, Geoinformatics and Agricultural Engineering» (Department of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering)
- «Digital Technologies and Smart Infrastructure in Agriculture» (Department of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering)
- «Entrepreneurship and Consulting in Rural Development» (Department of Agricultural Economics and Development / Department of Animal Science)
- «Organization and Management of Food and Agriculture Businesses» (Department of Agricultural Economics and Development / Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition)
- «Integrated Production Management of Milk and Dairy Products» (Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition / Department of Animal Science)
- «Cultivations under Cover – Hydroponics» (Inter-Institutional Master’s Program: Agricultural University of Athens / Hellenic Open University)
- «Viticulture-Oenology and Alcoholic Beverages» (Inter-Institutional Master’s Program: Agricultural University of Athens / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- «Organic Synthesis and its Applications in Chemical Industry» (Inter-Institutional Master’s Program: Agricultural University of Athens / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- «Techno-economic Systems Management» (Inter-Institutional Master’s Program: Agricultural University of Athens / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- «Marine Biotechnology» (Joint Master’s Program Erasmus Μundus)