
Internship aims at informing students about agricultural problems throughout the country. It can take place at AUA or public organisation laboratories, departments and institutions of the Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food or other relevant ministries. It can also take place at agricultural cooperatives or private enterprises and laboratories approved by AUA.

Internship lasts four months. Sixth or eighth semester students are eligible to do their internship during summer vacation (July and August) in two consecutive years. Each Department is responsible for allocating internships according to the students’ interests.

Part of the internship, up to two (2) months, can take place during the 10th semester of studies. This has to be approved by the General Assembly of the relevant Department according to students’ requests and criteria, as provided in the legislation in force.

Students who have completed the 10th semester of studies but by then have not completed the required period of internship are allowed to carry it out throughout the academic year.

At the end of the two-month internship students have to submit to the Department Secretariat the following:

  • Internship certificate
  • Internship Time Log (countersigned by the host institution)
  • Report on the experience and acquired knowledge.


The Internship Time Log and the Report are evaluated by the supervisor. This evaluation is included in the student study certificate.




Internship Central Actions Office

Tel.: 210-529 4825 , Fax: 210-529 4825


Website: http://traineeship.aua.gr

Email: praktikiaskisi@aua.gr