Participation of the Agricultural University of Athens into the 3rd EU-CONEXUS Festival.

Participation of the Agricultural University of Athens into the 3rd EU-CONEXUS Festival.
The alliance of the European Universities EU-CONEXUS, into which the Agricultural University of Athens has been participating along with eight (8) other Universities, has hosted for the period 28 to 30 March 2023 at La Rochelle Université (France), the 3rd EU-CONEXUS Festival. Dedicated to arts, culture, sports and science, EU-CONEXUS Festival had set the aim to promote the diversity of cultures that constitute the alliance, as well as strengthening the bonds amongst the academic community, inasmuch the connection with local society. With Smart Urban Costal Zone Sustainability as main theme, EU-CONEXUS Festival has provided an opportunity for the community members encompassing it to give their artistic interpretation of its topics and challenges.
In the course of this three-day european event, almost 80 individuals out of the nine (9) different countries which the European University is made up of, had the chance to come closer and share their civilization and culture, by a variety of intercultural artistic performances through poetry, music and dance, sporting competitions, exhibitions and scientific workshops. Τhe Agricultural University of Athens has actively contributed to such a creative initiative, by the exhibition and presentation of four student projects that belong to the fields of visual and performing arts.
That Festival has been completed in a spirit of concord and solidarity, featuring the official song that forms the EU-CONEXUS anthem, composed by the French artist Wilfried Hilderbrandt in cooperation with students. The next meeting for the 4th EU-CONEXUS Festival shall be in 2025, at Frederick University in Cyprus.