The Agricultural University of Athens has achieved a distinction in the 4th International School Contest of EU-CONEXUS: “Think Smart, Create Green”

On Thursday, April 24 2024, the European Final of the 4th International School Contest: “Think Smart, Create Green” was completed, which had been organized by the European University on Smart Urban Coastal Zone Sustainability EU-CONEXUS. The purpose of the contest has been raising the male and female Junior and Senior High School students’ awareness on issues of environmental sustainability, wherein a total number of more than 500 students have participated from the nine (9) countries of EU-CONEXUS. The Agricultural University of Athens has been awarded first place in the age target group 15-18, by means of the representation of the team named “EcoCash” from the Athens College in Psychico and second place in the age target group 12-15, having been represented by the team named “Rethink Reuse”, from the 4th Junior High School in Korydallos.
The students of the team “EcoCash”, namely Zoi Politi, Maria - Eleni Pertsemlidi, Aikaterini Papadaki and Konstantinos Petropoulos, accompanied with Ms. Aggeliki Zoupa as the supervising teacher from the Athens College in Psychico, along with the students of the team named “Rethink Reuse”, that is, Melina Liazi, Aliki Marra, Ioanna Kyriakou, Eleni Broussali and Chrysavgi Tserkezi, having Mr. Nikolaos Katsoulis as their teacher in charge from the 4th Junior High School in Korydallos, respectively, have showcased their projects before the International Evaluation Committee of the contest and managed to distinguish themselves amongst 14 international school teams, making an impression on the level of the work achieved by the students, inasmuch innovation in terms of the projects submitted.
The International Jury has been made up of nine (9) members – delegates of the Universities partners οf EU-CONEXUS, coming from La Rochelle Université in France, the Agricultural University of Athens in Greece, Universidad Católica de Valencia in Spain, Klaipeda University in Lithuania, University of Zadar in Croatia, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest in Romania, Waterford Institute of Technology in Ireland, University of Rostock in Germany and Frederick University in Cyprus. Along these lines, female and male students have set up groups, partaking in a number of challenges, with a view to encouraging critical thinking, inasmuch developing creative skills in topics related to sustainable development, circular economy and smart city technologies.
The evaluation of the projects elaborated, had been composed of three (3) individual stages. In the first stage, the five (5) dominant works have been pre-selected per age group, as far as every University partner of EU-CONEXUS on a national level is concerned. Throughout the next stage, the pre-selected works have been presented to a National Jury, in addition to the declaration of the groups that would represent every University partner in the International Final of that contest. At the third and final stage, there has been an online presentation of the national winning projects before the International Jury, composed of nine (9) members-representatives of the Universities partners of EU-CONEXUS, thus awarding prizes to the three teams for every age target group having won the first three places.
The School Contest of EU-CONEXUS “Think Smart, Create Green” will be running for the 5th consecutive year, whereas it is soon expected to provide the participating both young female and male students along with their teachers with the opportunity to create, once again, in addition to fulfilling their vision towards a green future. For further information over the International Final of the 4th International School Contest “Think Smart Create Green”, all the interested parties may visit the following website: International winners of the EU-CONEXUS School Contest ‘Think Smart, Create Green’, 4th edition.