Meeting of Experts in wielding thematic fields of Animal Science at the Agricultural University of Athens.

On Sunday, June 2 2024, a delegation of 32 French Scientists specialized in animal husbandry, in particular, in feeding of the ruminant species and productive livestock, visited the Agricultural University of Athens, holding a meeting at the Multiple Purpose Hall of the University. Specifically, delegates, who are experts in wielding thematic fields of Animal Science and come from the Industry Sector, namely, Le Men, Et. Godet, Arrivé Bellanné, Pere François, Mg2mix, along with suppliers of nutritional additives on the part of Phileo by Lesaffre, have met with each other, with a view to discussing pertinent issues of that Sector.
The Conference has been organized within the framework of the outreach actions of the University, under the coordination of Ms. Eleni Tsiplakou, Professor, Mr. Alexandros Mavrommatis, Assistant Professor, Mr. George Zervas, Professor Emeritus and also Mr. Vasilis Karampinas, representing Phileo by Lesaffre. Professor Eleni Tsiplakou has made a presentation of the Agricultural University of Athens and Assistant Professor Alexandros Mavrommatis, has featured the scientific activities of their team, accordingly. Indeed, meeting and exchanging of scientific points of view has been very much appreciated by the visitors, who continued their journey by visiting cows and sheep farms respectively, besides taking on a sightseeing tour of the Sacred Rock of the Acropolis.