The Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens takes a stand in respect of the Bill of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food.

The Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens, Mr. Spyridon Kintzios, Professor, on Thursday, February 8 2024, submitted to the Greek House of Parliament the points of view of both the Rectorate Authorities and the Board of Directors of the Institution, regarding the draft Law of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food on “Aid for standard livestock farming, rules on fisheries and aquaculture, provisions on plant health - phytosanitary measures, biocidal products, inasmuch food quality, in addition to other regulations on the reinforcement of rural development”. The aforementioned position adopted by the Rector, Mr. S. Kintzios has been featured, upon the invitation of the Standing Committee on Production and Trade, throughout its 2nd Session.
It is worth mentioning that the Rector has referred to the fundamental interventions of the particular draft Act, consisting of fifty - four (54) articles, into which the keynote speeches of the proposals of Members of the Academic Community of the Agricultural University of Athens are broadly reflected, while having been published at various times, relating to agricultural issues. Furthermore, the Rector, Mr. S. Kintzios has highlighted the necessity for a framework planning, addressed for group holding pens, pasture and grass lands respectively, as well as the importance of the provision for the establishment of a Body at regional level - preferably – which shall supervise the running of livestock parks. Besides, the Rector has elaborated on the Sector of Fisheries, laying emphasis on strengthening the punishments imposed against overfishing and the substantial requirement for the protection of fish stocks.
Thereinafter, the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Mr. Eleftherios Avgenakis, has invited the Agricultural University of Athens, with a view to coordinating the next preparatory legislative work of the Ministry, regarding modernization of the organization and functioning framework of Cooperatives. The Ministry, by means of that cooperation indicates essentially and clearly the confidence placed by the State, towards the Agricultural University of Athens, for a consecutive time period, because the scientific contributions of the Academic Community in the public consultation are seriously taken into account, specifically about aspects that pertain to its agricultural character and status, thus greatly contributing through its expertise to the agricultural area.
In conclusion, the relative debate in the Greek House of Parliament is available on the following link, giving prominence to the speech of the Rector, Mr. S. Kintzios, commencing at the 25: 24 minutes of the current sitting of the Standing Committee on Production and Trade.