Participation of the Agricultural University of Athens in the European Higher Education Fair in Tokyo (EHEF 2024) and visit to the Embassy of Greece in Japan

On Saturday, June 15 2024, the European Higher Education Fair 2024 was held in Tokyo, Japan, which had been hosted by a delegation of the European Union to Japan. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Hosei University in Japan had jointly organised the particular Fair. The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) and the Ionian University have been the two Universities, which have represented Greece in this European Higher Education Fair at Hosei University in Tokyo. The Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens, Mr. Spyridon Kintzios and the Vice Rector for European University, Internationalization and Student Affairs, Ms. Helen Miliou have given their presence at the AUA Booth, providing information to visitors, in respect of the educational programs run in AUA.
The Japanese students have shown great interest, especially in the foreign language postgraduate study programs functioning in AUA. All the visitors have been offered a diverse range of printed promotional material in English, pertaining to the education and research fields in AUA, designed and edited by the Department of International and Public Relations, copies of which, had been also sent to this European Higher Education Fair Organizers. In particular, with regard to increasing public awareness about the foreign language informative and promotional material of the Agricultural University of Athens, anyone interested may access the following links available on the platform of the European Higher Education Fair 2024 in Japan: (Exhibitors Catalogue) (AUA Presentation _ English Version) (AUA Presentation _ Japanese Version - Partially).
The next day of this European Higher Education Fair, both the Rector and the Vice Rector paid a visit to the Embassy of Greece in Japan, holding a discussion with His Majesty, the Ambassador, Mr. Nikolaos Argyros. In the context of that meeting, a number of issues have been elaborated, relative to the agrifood sector, while in a positive climate, strengthening activities, which could be developed with AUA playing an active role, has been put on the table, within the framework of this Year of Culture and Tourism between Greece and Japan, such as events scheduled, with a view to promoting and boosting Οenotourism.