Dynamic Participation of the Agricultural University of Athens in the 30th International Fair for Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Supplies – Agrotica 2024.

The Agricultural University of Athens has achieved an active participation for another year, in the 30th International Fair for Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Supplies – Agrotica 2024. That Fair took place from Thursday 1 to February 4 2024, at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition & Congress Centre (TIF HELEXPO). Indeed, this International Fair has welcomed crowds of visitors, since it constitutes a flagship event, concerning agricultural economy in Greece, inasmuch being a hub for meeting and networking amongst the agricultural scientists, farmers, private undertakings, while having appeal even to ordinary people, who wish to express their interest in agriculture in general.
The Rectorate Authorities of the Agricultural University of Athens have attended the AUA stand at that International Fair, in particular the Rector, Professor Spyridon Kintzios, the Vice Rector for Academic and Administrative Affairs, Lifelong Learning and Extroversion, Professor Emmanouil Flemetakis, along with the Vice Rector for European University, Internationalization and Student Affairs, Professor Helen Miliou, with a view to promoting outreach actions and activities, thus contributing to further enhancing the wide range of the scientific fields, which the Agricultural University of Athens wields.
Besides, the Minister of Rural development and Food, Mr. Eleftherios Avgenakis, the pertinent Deputy Minister, Mr. Dionysis Stamenitis, the Deputy -Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Mr. Maurizio Martina, as well as the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment of Cyprus, Dr. Maria Panayiotou, the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights of Malta, Dr. Anton Refalo and the Minister of Agriculture and Food of Bulgaria, Mr. Kiril Vatev, have been present at the Fair.
Α considerable number of eminent personalities have honoured the pavilion of the Agricultural University of Athens with their presence, such as the Leader of the Official Opposition Party and President of SYRIZA PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE, Mr. Stefanos Kasselakis, the President of the PASOK – Movement for Change (PASOK-KINAL), Mr. Nikos Androulakis, the President of the Parliamentary Group New Left, having also been a former Minister, Mr. Alexis Haritsis, the Members of Parliament of SYRIZA PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE, Ms. Theodora Tzakri and Ms. Rania Thraskia and the Chairman of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization ELGO Dimitra, Professor Serko Haroutounian, as well. Remarkably, Professor Apostolos Apostolidis, being under the provisional status of the Rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has also paid warm tribute to the AUA exhibition stand.
As far as the Academic Community of the Agricultural University of Athens is concerned, the Dean of the School of Plant Sciences, Professor Dimitrios Savvas, the President of the Department of Animal Science, Associate Professor George Papadomichelakis, along with the Deputy Head of the Department of Crop Science, Professor Dimitrios Bilalis, the Members of the AUA Board of Directors, namely Ms. Christina Legaki, Professor Dimitrios Tsitisgiannis and Professor Emeritus Ilias Eleftherohorinos, the Managing Director of the Property Management and Development Company of the Agricultural University of Athens and former Vice Rector, Professor Iordanis Chatzipavlidis, besides the former Vice Rector, Professor Nikolaos Dercas, the former Vice Rector and Professor Emeritus Charalambos Kasimis, they have all given their presence at the Fair. It is also important to mention the attendance of the President of the Association of the Special Laboratory Teaching Staff of the Agricultural University of Athens “Konstantinos Katsimpas,” namely, Mr. Spyridon Rizos.
Furthermore, a substantial number of Professors and Researchers of the Agricultural University of Athens have visited the AUA exhibition stand facilities by providing information to all the interested parties upon the innovation, entrepreneurship and expertise actions in the area of research, fostered by the Agricultural University of Athens. Specifically, Professor Dimitris Bouranis, Professor, Garyfalia Economou – Antonaka, accompanied by Professor Dionissios Kalivas, Associate Professor Aikaterini Biniari, Associate Professor Athanasios Gelasakis, in addition to the Assistant Professors, namely, Sophie Mavrikou, Konstantinos Aliferis and Konstantinos Soulis respectively, have attended that Fair.
It is worth mentioning that Research Teams, recognized as showcases of exceptional interest, which have been hosted at the exhibition booth facilities of the Agricultural University of Athens, such as the Research Team involved in the Program: “Evaluation of malting barley varieties and new breeding lines of Athenian Brewery SA”, in the frame of a long term cooperation of the Agricultural University of Athens with Athenian Brewery SA, as well as the Action of the two Projects, associated with indigenous Medicinal and Aromatic plant species that pertain to the ‘Institute of Research and Marketing of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs), named “In. MAPS”, within the framework of Measure 16 (Rural Development Programme of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food), under the coordination of Professor Garyfalia Economou – Antonaka, the Research Team of Professor Dimitrios Tsitsigiannis, regarding on the one hand, digital technologies for plant health, early pathogen detection, territory surveillance and phytosanitary measures and on the other hand, the implementation of decision support systems for the control of ochratoxins in viticulture, besides the Research Team of Professor John Vontas, indulging in the development of Innovative Plant Protection Solutions for sustainable and environmental friendly pest management in fruits and vegetables in Greece, looking towards the Europe of the Future, the Research Team of Professor Dionissios Kalivas, working on Geographical Information Systems in digital agriculture, the Research Team of Associate Professor Ilias Travlos, specialized in Agroecological, Sustainable and Integrated Crop and Weed Management and the Research Team of Assistant Professor Konstantinos Aliferis, with respect to the Innovative bioanalytical methods of the Pesticide Metabolomics Group.
The presence of the three (3) Spin - Off Companies mentioned below, at the AUA Pavilion is also notable, in particular, the Spin - Off Enterprise, called Ce.b.Tec, falling within the scope of the Research Team of the Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens, Professor Spyridon Kintzios, the Spin - Off Firm, known as NUTRISENSE, a Project being coordinated by the Dean, Professor Dimitrios Savvas and the Spin - Off Company under the name Enzyceuticals of the Research Team of Professor Nikolaos Lambrou. Additionally, the members of the Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer Office of the AUA Special Account for Research Funds "InnovInAgri", Mr. Nick karakoulis and Ms. Katerina Papadouli and the President of the Board of Directors of the AUA Alumni Association, Mr. Alexandros Tataridas, have visited the AUA exhibition booth.
Moreover, both Ms. Rania Hindiridou and Mr. George Trilivas, Administrative Personnel of the Department of International and Public Relations, having had the coordination and the responsibility of the smooth functioning of the AUA stand at the International Fair, in collaboration with the essential support of the member of the AUA Administrative Staff, Mr. Alexandros Stiakakis, have led to the presentation of a robustly organized and staffed booth, which has made the best impressions on the visitors, having had the opportunity to become aware of the educational and research activities of the University, receiving symbolic gifts and mementos, too. It is equally noticeable that all the programs and actions of the Center of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (CCELL) have been highlighted at the AUA pavilion, by means of the pertinent delegation team, namely, Ms. Mary Plessa, the Director of the Center of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (CCELL) and Ms. Christina Papadopoulou, the Deputy Secretary of the Council of the Center of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (CCELL), who have actually contributed significantly to the organization of the setting of the AUA stand, too. On top of that, Ms. Mary Fragiskou, the Deputy Head of the AUA Directorate of Finance has made a valuable contribution, along with Ms. Katerina Mavragani, from the AUA Rector’s Secretariat Office and Mr. Efstratios Kanaros, Deputy Head of Department A – AUA Farm Management of the Farm & Agricultural Enterprises Management Directorate. In addition, Ms. Maria Daoutakou, being a leader in the area of education and implementation of health rules, in charge of the company Shop Support - Boosting Shops of Health Interest, has played a vital role in the ecosystem presentation of the Agricultural University of Athens.
In conclusion, this year’s participation into the 30th International Fair for Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Supplies – Agrotica 2024, has become a success story and received a warm and positive response by both the official Bodies and Agencies in Greece and the ordinary visitors of the University booth. The Agricultural University of Athens has, once more, given prominence to the fact that the Institution has been listening to the voice of society, inasmuch constantly evolving not only on a scientific, but also on a research level, acting in groups and collectively, centered on the human factor and the improvement of everyday life in the short and long term, featuring the high level of quality of the Academic Community Members.
Anyone interested in having a look at the rich photographic material captured throughout this Exhibition, may move on to the following link: AGROTICA 2024 PHOTOS.