Digital Technology in the Agrifood Sector in Greece

Wednesday 12 Oct 2022

Digital Technology in the Agrifood Sector in Greece New horizons of research and professional development

On Tuesday, October 4, 2022, an online information event was held upon Digital Technology in the Agrifood Sector in Greece – New horizons of research and professional development, organized by the Career Services Office of the Agricultural University of Athens.

The AUA Career Services Office, in the context of its main mission to bring the graduates of our Institution into contact with the labour market, has given the opportunity to quite a few graduates for attending that online Info Day.

Official people invited welcomed the event, wherein the Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens, Mr Spyridon Kintzios, Professor, was the first to address his speech, afterwards the floor was given to the Vice Rector for Administrative, Academic and Student Affairs, Mr Nikolaos Dercas, Professor, in turn the Associate Professors of the Department of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering of the University, namely, Mr Sryridon Fountas and Mr Thomas Bartzanas took the floor respectively, as well as the President of the Board of Directors of the AUA Alumni Association, Mr. Alexandros Tataridas.

Following the opening speeches, a series of presentations was featured by companies which do business in the field of agrotechnology, agricultural supplies and agricultural services too, elaborating their proposals, inasmuch the skills and the required competencies they look for in their attempt to employ staff with specific qualifications.

Τhe enterprises/organizations that have presented their services pertaining to the new technologies in the agrifood sector are described as follows:

  • Smart Agro Hub
  • New Agriculture New Generation


At the final part of the event, the attendants asked a number of questions.

Under the framework of Implementation of the Action “Career Services Office of the Agricultural University of Athens” (MIS) 5076423 within the Operational Program, entitled “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning”, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF).
