Collaboration meeting held between Texas A&M University and the Agricultural University of Athens, towards co-creating sustainable solutions within the framework of the “METAVASIS” Program

Friday 05 Jul 2024
On Thursday and Friday, June 20-21 2024 respectively, a cooperation meeting of delegates from Texas A&M University and the Agricultural University of Athens was hosted in the historically and culturally well – maintained, landmark status Premises of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, named “Kostis Palamas”. That collaborative working meeting took place under the framework of the “METAVASIS” Program (METAVASIS: Mobility for Energy Transition Awareness to Bring About Societal Impacts), with a view to understanding the economic, social and environmental impacts of rapid energy transitions on vulnerable communities and marginalized areas in the State of Texas in the United States and Greece.
At the beginning of the event, the Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens, Mr. Spyridon Kintzios, Professor and the Ambassador of the United States to Greece, His Majesty, Mr. George Tsounis, have extended their greeting speeches to the audience. Then, the “METAVASIS” Program has been featured, by the Scientific Coordinator, Mr. George Papadakis, Professor, on behalf of AUA and Dr. Konstantinos Pappas from Texas A&M University, accordingly. In addition, Ms. Rοbin Lerner, J.D., being the President and CEO of the Texas International Education Consortium, has presented Texas' Higher Education Internationalization Program on the global stage.
Subsequently, the Secretary General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, Mr. Odysseas-Ioannis Zoras, Professor, has referred to U.S.-Greece partnership, in respect of the Educational Programs implemented. Furthermore, Mr. Stelios Bikos, CEO of the Energy Competence Center, has highlighted the Center's actions and services, while the Head of the Just Transition Strategy, Ms. Theodora Zacharia, has presented the national initiatives undertaken for the Greek regions, which are in a just transition phase. Next, representing the Region of Peloponnese, Mr. Markos Leggas, Head of the region's European programs and innovation, has elaborated on the actions performed across the Region of Peloponnese with a focus on the Municipality of Megalopolis.
Throughout the event, presentations have been made from Scientists of both Texas A&M University and the Agricultural University of Athens, on topics pertaining to Strategic Planning for Energy and Climate Change in Greece, Innovation and Technology Transfer Services in the Energy Sector, besides reducing the Carbon Footprint in Agriculture, inasmuch Communities Affected by Climate Change and Energy Transition.
In the afternoon session of the first day, discussions have been made, laying emphasis on the morning introductions, as well as exploring potential funding opportunities. Along these lines, the discussion has been coordinated by the Vice-Rector for Research, Finance and Development, Mr. Thomas Bartzanas, Professor. Afterwards, meetings have been held amongst Scientists from both Universities with common research and educational interests.
On Friday, June 21 2024, joint teams presented their findings on areas of cooperation in research and education. These findings will be used for drafting White Papers, serving as a roadmap for the next phase of collaboration between the two Institutions.
It is worth mentioning that the Rectorate Authorities of the Agricultural University of Athens, as well as the Internal Members of the AUA Governing Board and the Deans of the AUA Schools, have honoured the event with their presence.