Participation of the Agricultural University of Athens in the 4th Hope 3on3 Streetball of the Hellenic Wheelchair Basketball Federation (H.W.B.F)

On Saturday October 21 and Sunday October 22, 2023, the Agricultural University of Athens participated into the 4th Hope 3on3 Streetball event at the centre of Athens and in particular at Syntagma Square. The Hellenic Wheelchair Basketball Federation (H.W.B.F.), in collaboration with the Region of Attica and the Culture, Sports & Youth Organization of the Municipality of Athens (OPANDA) had organized the specific event, transforming Syntagma Square into a specially designed basketball court for 3on3 matches, which became a pole of attraction for both young and old who are very keen on basketball and sports alike.
The Vice Rector for the European University, Internationalization and Student Affairs, Ms. Eleana Miliou, Professor, addressed her greeting at the event, extending warm thanks to the President and the Vice-President of H.W.B.F., namely Mr. Christos Kaloudis and Mr. Athanasios Viglas respectively, as well as to all the factors and stakeholders of the event who have really made a maximum contribution to the successful holding of that unique two-day event. Besides, the Vice Rector has highlighted the forthcoming academic partnership, within the framework of concluding a Memorandum of Understanding, which is to be signed between the Agricultural University of Athens and H.W.B.F., inviting at the same time all the present people to attend the event Sports for Inclusion, that is to take place at the Agricultural University of Athens, on Thursday, November 9 and Friday November 10, 2023, in cooperation with H.W.B.F, under the Framework for Action set by EU-CONEXUS, being the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability, wherein the Agricultural University of Athens has been a member.
It is noteworthy that students of the Agricultural University of Athens have participated in this sporting event of major importance, making an active contribution to the smooth running of the events. To become more specific, on Sunday, October 22 2023, the student of the Department of Crop Science, Ms. Sofia Papatheodorou, Mr. Dimitris Danitsas, the man in charge of the Gym, the Assistant Professor of the Department of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering, Mr. Emmanouil Psomiadis, took part in the event organised, on behalf of the Agricultural University of Athens, playing along with other wheelchair athletes, in a 3on3 basketball game, gaining an experience of such things, too. Generally, the participants have had the opportunity to participate in a minor basketball championship, composed of seven (7) teams 3on3 by H.W.B.F., having also a unique note and touch, since this action has been supported by a group of dancers, doing their best, by offering an elaborate dancing spectacle.
In addition, the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Mr. Eleftherios Avgenakis has given a warm welcome, stressing that the invitation at the event has been his honour. The Member of European Parliament of the political party called New Democracy, Mr. Stelios Kympouropoulos, the Deputy Governor of the Region of Attica of the Central Sector of Athens, Mr. Georgios Vlachos, the Thematic Vice-Regional Governor for Economic Affairs of the Region of Attica, Mr. Nikolaos Peppas, the Mayor of Athens, Mr. Kostas Bakoyannis, the Secretary General of Sports of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, Mr. George Mavrotas, the Director General Manager of the Athens Olympic Sports Complex Spiros Louis, Mr. Konstantinos Chalioris, who represented the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, Mr. Giannis Vroutsis, have honoured the event by their presence. Furthermore, the Secretary General of the Hellenic Red Cross, Mr. Georgios Skoumas and the Superintendent of National Teams of the National Sports Federation for People with Disabilities EAOM-Disabled, Mr. Konstantinos Siachos have given their presence at the event. Finally, the international basketball players, Mr Panagiotis Giannakis, Mr. Nikos Linardos, Mr. Sofoklis Schortsanitis, Mr. Panagiotis Fasoulas, being also the former Mayor of Piraeus and the basketball player, Mr. Giannis Giannoulis have attended that two-day actions event.