Conference on presentation of the Managing Authority and the Training Programme of the Olive Grove in Amfissa

Monday 24 Apr 2023

Conference on presentation of the Managing Authority and the Training Programme of the Olive Grove in Amfissa.

On Friday, April 7 2023, a conference was held with great success, accompanied by a lot of attendants too, at the Conference Auditorium of the Department of Regional and Economic Development of the Agricultural University of Athens, in Amfissa Campus, entitled: “The Traditional Olive Grove in Amfissa: Turning over a new leaf on its integrated management.“ Τhe Head of the particular Department, Ms. Marina-Selini Katsaiti, Associate Professor, had undertaken the organization of the event, into which, the Member of Parliament in Fokida, Mr. Ioannis Bougas, the Mayor of Delphi, Mr. Panagiotis Tagalis, the Managing Director of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization – Dimitra, Mr. Panagiotis Chatzinikolaou, the Dean of School of Professional Education and Extension of the American Farm School in Thessaloniki, Mr. Evangelos Vergos, the Senior Director, Agricultural Sector Operations Development at Piraeus Bank, Mr. Ioannis Chaniotakis and the Researcher of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization – Dimitra, Mr. Georgios Psarras, have participated by making their significant presentations, adopting their placements, as well.

The Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens, Mr. Spyridon Kintzios, Professor, has extended a special greeting and took his stand accordingly. Afterwards, the Vice Rector for Academic and Administrative Affairs, Lifelong Learning and Extroversion, Mr. Emmanouil Flemetakis, Professor, the member of the Management Board, Mr. Dimitrios Tsitsigiannis, Professor and George Vlachos, Assistant Professor, have stated their opinions. Ms. Sophie Mavrikou, Assistant Professor, had assumed the coordination of the pertinent discussion. 

At that event, the new managing authority of the Olive Grove in Amfissa has been featured, as established by the Law No 5035 (Official Government Gazette Α΄76/28.03.2023), as well as the training program of the producers onto the integrated management, which is envisaged to start  within next month. Furthermore, thematic modules have been elaborated pertaining to among other things, the comprehensive systems of prognosis, diagnosis and treatment of olive diseases, the advisory and training contribution to the sustainability of the agricultural  sector and the good agricultural practices over olive-growing areas. The event has ended with a thorough discussion, as a result of the stances and interventions by all the assembled speakers and producers.
