A Visiting Professor has given a lecture at the Agricultural University of Athens

Monday 29 Apr 2024

On Thursday, April 11 2024, Professor, Ms. Maria Raquel Lucas from the University of Évora in Portugal, has given a lecture, entitled: “Sustainability beyond the agro-nutritional approaches: Understanding concepts and parameters, with a view to ensuring a connection between research and practical implementation: A showcase for some examples from Portugal”, held at the Demakopoulos Building of the Agricultural University of Athens.  

Professor, Ms. Maria Raquel Lucas has visited the Agricultural University of Athens, throughout the time- period starting from Monday to Friday, 8 - 12 April 2024, within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Program and its pertinent Action for Staff Teaching. The particular visit had been organised by Ms. Eleni Tsiplakou, Professor of the Laboratory of Nutritional Physiology and Feeding, of the Department of Animal Science, with which there is a long - standing collaboration.
