The Postgraduate Program entitled: “Natural Resources, Geoenvironment, Geoinformatics and Agricultural Engineering"
The Postgraduate Program entitled:
“Natural Resources, Geoenvironment, Geoinformatics and Agricultural Engineering"
of the Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering (NR&AE) that is part of the Faculty of Environment and Agricultural Engineering of the Agricultural University of Athens, announce the launching of new postgraduate degrees for the new Academic Year 2020-2021 in the following two Postgraduate Taught Courses:
• Soil, Water and Environmental Management
• Developmental Environmental Planning, Infrastructure Projects & Prevention of Natural Hazards
In the MSc Program, BSc students from Agricultural, Forester, Polytechnics, Earth Sciences, Informatics or related Departments of the domestic Universities or recognized departments of foreign-related specialties are accepted, if they have been recognized by the Hellenic National Recognition and Information Center (Hellenic NARIC/DOATAP).
The full-time study requires three (3) academic semesters and its attendance is mandatory. The first two (2) academic semesters concern the completion of the courses and the third academic semester is available for the elaboration, writing and presentation of the Postgraduate Thesis, as well as for the attendance of relevant seminars and lectures.
The maximum number of the candidate MSc students which will be attending during the Academic Year 2020-2021 in the two Courses are twenty (20), ten (10) for each sector, respectively.
For more information, contact the Executive Secretary of P.M.S. Mr Achilleas Anastasiou (tel. 210 5294044, 210 5294040, e-mail, as well as at the Secretariat of the Department of AFP & GM, Mrs Mary Frangiskou (tel. 210 5294122).