Internship for the Students of the 6th & 8th semesters funded by ESF (European Social Fund) ESPA

According to the “Internship at the third level education (university) at AUA”, funded by: “Human Resources Development – Education and Life Long Learning Operational Programme” funded by ESF (European Social Fund) ESPA 2014-2020, Ministry of Finance, the students of the Agricultural University of Athens can perform their internship during the 6th & 8th semesters. Further information and guidance for the submission of the applications (dateline for submissions: 6 April 2023 – 21 May 2023) are provided in the website of the Students Internship Office ESPA of A.U.A.:
Mr. Papadakis Ioannis holds the scientific responsibility for the institution as the official representative of A.U.A. ( ).