Announcement concerning Placements and E- Class Learning Courses

Tuesday 17 Mar 2020



Taking into serious consideration the most recent measures implemented, as regards the restriction of Covid -19 spreading, the Rectorate Authorities of the Agricultural University of Athens, raise your awareness of the following issues:

1) Either the starting of every new intership, or the undertaking of any placements in progress, have been, actually, deferred, until the 24th of March 2020.

2)The initiation of the E- Class Learning Courses Platform Proceedings:

Due to the likelihood of extending the suspension of all the Universities Educational Operations, the Faculty Staff Members and the Specialized Laboratory Teaching Staff Members of the AUA, are kindly requested, to present the theoretical part of their instruction, in power point, in the form of lectures, making the best use of the ability given for transcription of any students remarks, namely,  audio recording, on every power point slide, and upload such educational material on the University E-Class Application.Such a manner, will provide the opportunity for E-Learning, in the most advantageous option, under the existing technical infrastructure, as well. 

In a first stage, all Faculty Staff Members, and Specialized Laboratory Teaching Staff Members, should upload their tuition courses of the first week, on the E - Class Platform System, until the 24th of March 2020, and then, at the end of every week, they have to prepare their next week lectures presentations, for every instruction offered. As follows, students will download the lectures and submit, by e-mail, any questions made, to the pertinent Professors. 

In a next stage, such a systemic opportunity shall be, further, applied, either, into the tutorial laboratory courses (fostering exersices solution), or by taking advantage of the provision of simulation software. It is, highly, recommended, however, that the laboratory courses are seasoned with assignments, in order to enhance students active participation in the tuition modules provided, that is, promoting the increase of students interaction. 

Indeed, the next step to be taken, is associated with the potential for video laboratory courses presentation performance.

All partners and the incoming Erasmus  students, too, wiil be, continuously, informed about the current situation upon Covid-19, via the Official Web site of the AUA.