Announcement of the Academic-Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics and Endocrinology Dr Georgiou Chroussou as an Honorary Doctor of the Agricultural University of Athens

On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 at 12:00 p.m., the Ceremony of Awarding Dr Georgio Chrouso, Academic-Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics and Endocrinology as an Honorary Doctor of the Department of Biotechnology of the School of Applied Biology & Biotechnology of the Agricultural University of Athens.
After the announcement of the Honoree, followed the reading of the texts of the Resolution of the Department by the Dean of the School of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, Professor Ilias Iliopoulos, the reading of the Announcement and the Doctoral Diploma, the dressing of Dr Chrousos by the Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens, Professor Spyridon Kinzios.
In his greeting, the Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens, Spyridon Kintzios, referred to the long-term contribution of Dr Georgios Chrousos to science and education.
Academic-Professor Emeritus Georgios Chrousos identified and functionally characterized the endocrine and intracellular molecular mechanisms of the beneficial and harmful effects of stress in humans and discovered the pathogenic mechanisms,
through which the prolonged activation of the stress system and the secretion of its hormones cause or aggravate "chronic non-communicable diseases", increase the vulnerability of the organism to certain infectious diseases, such as e.g. cancer and accelerate aging.
It is worth mentioning that he is the only Greek clinician and researcher both in Greece and worldwide, who is included among the top 250 worldwide scientists in Clinical Medicine, Biology and Biochemistry, a fact that is also proven by his distinction with the top Fred Conrad Koch Award from the American Society of Endocrinology.
For his scientific work he has received important national and international awards and has participated as a speaker in European and international conferences, while he has been repeatedly honored by prominent Greek, European and international scientific bodies. His overall scientific contribution is multifaceted and of particular importance, as he carved new horizons in the Medical Science of Metabolism and Endocrinology.
The Academy of Athens throughout the Plenary meeting, on Wednesday, February 21 2024, elected Dr George Chrousos, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics and Endocrinology of the School of Medicine at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, who has been also awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Agricultural University of Athens, as a Full Member for the vacant seat declared and entitled:
“ Medical Sciences: Metabolic and Endocrine diseases”, in respect of Α’ Order of Natural Sciences.
The ceremony closed with the Professor's speech. The honored Dr Georgios Chroussos thanked the Rectory Authorities of the Agricultural University of Athens for the special honor of declaring him an Honorary Doctorate.