ADVANCED WORKSHOP On Weed Mapping as a Tool in Plant Ecology and Weed Management

This event is organized by the Weed Mapping Working Group and will be supported by the European Weed Research Society (EWRS) in cooperation with two Universities, the Agricultural University of Athens and the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
16 - 18 September 2019
Venue: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH)
Crete, Greece
Arrival date on September 15th, departure date on September 19th.
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that places are still left to submit your abstracts with deadline by July 20th. General information on the Advanced Workshop and guidelines for the abstracts preparations are regularly displayed on the working group web site:
You are invited to express your interest by sending your registration via the web site: along with the proposed title and name(s) of author(s).
Important dates:
- Deadline for submission of abstracts by July 20th
- Decision on accepted contributions by August 1rst
- Expected payments for registration by August 20th
- 3rd Circular (final scientific program, additional information, travel, etc.) by August 31th
Submission of Abstracts:
The abstracts should be reported to research and empirical data which will cover the aims of the workshop such as,
- the update of the existing technical and scientific progress in mapping science
- the documentation of practical aspects of mapping tools in the field
- the weed mapping as part of digital farming
Please send your abstract to Professor Falia Economou ( with cc to Assistant Professor Michaela Kolarova ( and Dimitra Doufli (
The abstracts will be allocated to session organizers by the organizing committee. The session organizers will contact you then in case of requested changes or corrections.
Organizing Committee
Professor Falia Economou (, Agricultural University of Athens
Dr. Hansjoerg Kraehmer (, former EWRS President
Michaela Kolarova (, Assistant Professor, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Dimitra Doulfi MSc Agronomist, Agricultural University of Athens
Scholarships for young weed scientists:
Scholarships will be available for MSc, PhD students (after evaluation from the Organizing Committee). Candidate should submit, the abstract, a cv and a letter of support from the supervisor clearly stating agreement to provide matching funds. Application should be e-mailed with the abstract to the organizer committee. The scholarships will be awarded according to the EWRS rules.