Seminar: "Anxiety and bulimia"

The Career Services Office of AUA organises the seminar: "Anxiety and bulimia", which will be held on Tuesday, 13th of June 2023, 18:00-19:00 in the Multiple Purpose hall. The seminar is addressed exclusively to the students of AUA. The issues that will be addressed are about the definition of bulimia and its causes.
Tutor: Mrs Krista Baka, Psychologist-Psychotherapist, MSc, Ph.d. To participate please send an e-mail at stating your full name, your student registration number (if you already have), your semester, your university email and the Department you are currently enrolled in.
Should you require further information please send an e-mail at, or visit
“Under the framework of Implementation of the Action: “Support for Interventions of Social Welfare Services about Students of the Agricultural University of Athens”, (MIS) 5045556 within the Operational Program, entitled: “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning”, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF)”.