Mediterranean Workshop for Legumes under the auspices of ELIN
Laboratory of Vegetable Production in Agricultural University of Athens, AUA is organizing a Mediterranean Workshop for Legumes under the auspices of ELIN (European Legume Innovation Network) on Friday 20 of April, 2018 at the Conference Centre Auditorium in Agricultural University of Athens. (Iera Odos 75, Athens 11 855).
During the workshop, two roundtable conversations will take place. One topic will be about market and trading of legumes and one about policies related to the production-distribution and consumption chain of legume crops. During the workshop, everyone can participate in the discussion expressing points of view, posing questions and stating concerns about every topic referenced above.
Giannis Panagiotakis, B.Sc,
Laboratory of Vegetable Crops
Department of Crop Science
Agricultural University of Athens
Iera Odos 75, 11855 Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 529 4536