The Institute of Agriculture & Food of the Agricultural University of Athens holds a Conference, entitled: “Climate change affects substantially the Sector of Agriculture: Floods that struck Thessaly

On Wednesday, September 27 2023, the Institute of Agriculture & Food of the Agricultural University of Athens organizes a Workshop, under the title: “Climate change affects substantially the Sector of Agriculture: Floods that struck Thessaly”. The particular Conference shall take place at the Conference Center Auditorium of the Agricultural University of Athens, from 11.00 am to 14:30 pm, following the recently observed climatic extremes not only in Greece, but also in other regions of the Mediterranean Basin.
At that workshop, the Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens, Mr. Spyridon Kintzios, Professor, as well as the Vice Rector for Academic and Administrative Affairs, Lifelong Learning and Extroversion Mr. Emmanouil Flemetakis, Professor, will address their speeches accordingly. The former Rector of the University and Αcademic, Mr. Andreas karamanos, Professor Emeritus, has scheduled to elaborate in his opening remarks the consequences of climate change on the Sector of Agriculture. Subsequently, a focused discussion will be triggered upon the pressing issue of the Floods in Thessaly throughout which, Professors of the University are to seek interdisciplinary solutions comprising the quality of soil, irrigation, agriculture, viticulture, pomology and livestock farming.
The Institute of Agriculture & Food of the Agricultural University of Athens aims at becoming a hub for the development of cutting-edge topics, a think tank, inasmuch acting as a catalyst for finding interdisciplinary solutions in Agriculture and Food. The high-level discussions and workshops, in addition to drawing up and implementing studies and educational actions, constitute the fundamental activities of the Institute. For more information, anyone interested may contact through the following e-mail address: