1st Workshop of the H2020 project entitled “Stepping-up IPM decision support for crop protection (IPM Decisions)”
The Agricultural University of Athens participates in the European H2020 Research Project: ‘’Stepping-up IPM decision support for crop protection (IPM Decisions)’’, in which 11 European countries and totally 28 different partners are involved (Scientific Coordinator: Assistant Professor Ilias Travlos, Laboratory of Agronomy).
The European project ‘’IPM Decisions’’ aims to accelerate impact and use of Decision Support Systems (DSS) for Integrated Pest Management of weeds, invertebrates and diseases of crops (IPM).
In the context of this European project, data and tools will be provided through a pan- European Platform and an “IPM Decisions Network”. The end users will be farmers, agronomists, advisers, as well as applied research organizations, universities, and the industry that develops or provides DSS. Each type of user will have access to the platform through a custom toolbar, tailored to their needs.
During the workshop the participants will have the opportunity to follow closely the development of the platform and gain access to a wide range of decision support systems.
The first workshop will be held by the Laboratory of Agronomy of the Agricultural University of Athens on Monday 16th of December 2019 at 11.00 a.m. at the Multiple Purpose Hall on the 2nd floor of the Administration Building in the Agricultural University of Athens. The program of the scientific meeting is attached.