Conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and the Agricultural University of Athens.

On Tuesday, June 6 2023, the President of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology in China Mr. Ding Xiaodong and the Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens Mr. Spyridon Kintzios, Professor, signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the Sector of Food and Human Nutrition.
Within the framework of the meeting for the conclusion of the particular agreement, the Vice Rector for Academic and Administrative Issues, Mr. Emmanouil Flemetakis, along with the Vice Rector for the European University, Internationalization and Student Affairs, Ms. Helen Miliou have been present as well. Furthermore, the Scientific Coordinator Mr. Efstathios Panagou, Professor of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition and the internal member of the Management Board, Mr. Dimitrios Tsitsigiannis, Professor, have honoured the event with their presence.
The delegation from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology in China was composed of the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Mr. Cui Guomin, the Vice Dean of the School of Energy and Power Engineering Ms. Yang Huinan, the Director of the Scientific Research Department Mr. Liu Baolin, the Deputy Director of the International Affairs Office, Ms. Χu Lin and the Party Secretary of the School of Health Science and Engineering, Ms. Yao Xiuwen.
Ms. Aliki-Fotini Kyritsi και Ms. Rania Hindiridou on behalf of the International and Public Relations Department have guided the distinguished guests from China around the infrastructures of the University. Finally, the Department of International and Public Relations, in collaboration with Mr. Efstathios Panagou, Professor of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition and Mr. Georgios Goras, Assistant Professor of the Department of Crop Science, have offered traditional products like honey, olives and a variety of jars of jam as symbolic gifts, besides the printed material enriched with information about the Agricultural University of Athens.