Climate Change in Agriculture - CLICHA

The wider objective of this project is to create qualified scientists who will contribute to the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture and will be readily absorbed by the labour market. These scientists could become the transformation factor for the whole society towards a more sustainable way of farming, production, consuming and living.

The specific objectives of this project are:

  • The creation of a concrete educational material on the Climate Change and its effects on agriculture and animal production in particular, as well as the measures that could be adapted in local perspective. The water and soil conservation practices, and water harvesting techniques, might be considered as good practices for rainfed farming to improve agriculture resilience for climate change. This opportunity can improve young qualified scientists’ capacities to cope with climate change.
  • The modernisation of university courses, based on that educational material through assessment of the existing educational programmes for engineer, master, and doctoral levels prior to developing the appropriate lectures.
  • The adaptation of these courses to the specific conditions of the Southern side of Mediterranean area in general and to those of Tunisia, specifically. In particular, the adopted lectures can improve courses in the CCGE Master’s degree accredited at ESIER, by integrating good agricultural practices into the competencies targeted of educational program.
  • The use of ICT technologies for the delivery of the courses by creating specific tools (presentations, videos, website, e-learning platform, social media).
  • The strengthening of the internationalization of HEIs and the capacity to network effectively in research, scientific and technological innovation.
  • The HEIs-enterprises cooperation, through the foreseen Business fora.



Agricultural University of Athens (Greece)
Creative Thinking Development (Greece)
National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos”(Greece)
University of Jendouba - Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab (Tunisia)
University of Carthage - National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia (Tunisia)
University of Sousse - Higher Institute of Agronomy of Chott-Mariem (Tunisia)
National Institute of Field Crops (Tunisia)
Centre of Adaptation to Climate Change (Tunisia)
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia)
University of Turin - CISAO (Italy)


Funded under Erasmus+ Capacity Building
Leader: Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Greece
Budget: 820,746€
Duration: 15/10/2017-14/10/2020