Summer School on “Weed Mapping as a Tool in Plant Ecology and Weed Management”

Monday 16 Jul 2018 to Saturday 21 Jul 2018

Summer School on “Weed Mapping as a Tool in Plant Ecology and

Weed Management”


Venue: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic

Duration of the program: 6 days

Tentative date: 16-21 July, 2018 


This event will be supported by the European Weed Research Society (EWRS) under the auspices of the Weed Mapping Working Group and in cooperation with two Universities, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Agricultural University of Athens and private co-operators.


Scope: Graduate students and limited number of Institutions scientists to take knowledge and experience in implementation of classical and new tools and methods in weed mapping through theoretical courses and practical training in fields. 


Objectives: Methodological training in the collection of data. Identification of weed frequency ranks. Introduction to specific statistics and geostatistical tools. Analysis of results in relation to environmental and farm data. Analysis of the spatial weed distribution. Production of weed maps. Applications in precision weed control.


Trainees group: 20 MSc, Ph.D. students and a limited number of professionals in weed science, agronomy, crop protection or plant ecology.


Thematic issues of the program are as follows:

  • Application areas: arable weeds, vegetation of pastures and meadows, invasive weeds, rare weeds, resistant weeds
  • Assessments methods for different crops and scale approaches
  • Statistical methods for spatial and non-spatial statistical evaluation
  • Preparation and interpretation of maps
  • Implementation in weed management strategies


Certificate of attendance.


Contact persons:

Professor Garifalia Economou (economou@aua.gr), Agricultural university of Athens

Dr. Hansjoerg Kraehmer (Kraehmer-Hofheim@t-online.de), former EWRS President

Assistant Professor Michaela Kolarova (mkolarova@af.czu.cz), Czech University of Life Sciences Prague


More details about the Summer School Program, social events and of crediting  on the  Weed Mapping WG website  www.ewrs.org/weed_mapping.asp.
