Seminar: Title: The Mobilization of individual memory processes and the cognitive competence in exams

Come to the interactive small group laboratory on Tuesday 9th of June, 2020, at 13.00-15.00.
The seminar will be held online via the hyperlink:
https:// 20200906
Title: The Mobilization of individual memory processes and the cognitive competence in exams.
Rapporteur: Drossinou - Korea Maria, Assistant Professor of Special Education and Training, external collaborator responsible for the counseling support for students with special educational needs and disabilities, in the Agricultural University of Athens.
The interactive small group laboratory intends to present the memory techniques regarding the mobilization of individual memory processes.
At a theoretical level, we will discuss issues related to the mobilization of individual memory processes according to cognitive neuroscience and mental imagery. Ebbinghaus was the first to conduct empirical research in memory (1885 Memory. A contribution to experimental psychology). He used the experimental method influenced by Tichener's studies in perception. Memory is defined as the ability of a person to bring past experiences back into his or her consciousness. Emphasis is placed on mobilizing personal memory techniques in the processes regarding the binding organization of memory. Cognitive competence in exams is related to the material and learning context for which we know that mobilize when it makes sense to the student. The material of exams motivates the student to learn the object he is reading at e context faster, compared to with the scientifically object does not make sense such as pseudo-words or unintelligible and useless information. The content of the lesson that makes meaning needs less repetitions. So tests can stimulate, mobilize the brain and lead it to cognitive competence. Given the difficulty arising from the immediate memory field, and what Ebbinghaus had observed. So, the cognitive material we can learn with a single reading is limited to 6-8 elements, just.
At a practical level, we will work on exercises to mobilize very personal and individual memory processes as the way of reading (1), the number of repetitions(2) and the awareness of cognitive competence(3) with emphasis on the exam success.
Source for further study:
Roussos, P., L. (2011). The working memory model. In Cognitive Psychology, the basic cognitive processes (pp. 225-229). Athens: Topos.
To participate to the seminar, please send an e-mail at stating your full name, your student registration number and the Department and year you are currently enrolled in.
Do not lose this opportunity. We are waiting for you!