Raising students awareness on the development of a research and entrepreneurship culture upon issues: Digital and Sustainable Agricultural Development

A Workshop entitled “Raising students awareness on the development of a research and entrepreneurship culture upon issues: Digital and Sustainable Agricultural Development” is being organized by the Agricultural University of Athens.
The Agricultural University of Athens organizes an educational workshop about students entitled “Raising students awareness on the development of a research and entrepreneurship culture upon issues: Digital and Sustainable Agricultural Development”, in the framework of the project ”GREEK EIT FOOD RIS HUB” on Wednesday May 31 2023, at the Multiple Purpose Hall on the 2nd floor of the Central Administration Building. At the end of the Workshop an interactive seminar shall take place, wherein the participating students are to attend live the procedure of presenting a business idea with experts/investors receiving at the same time guidance by experienced researchers/mentors. All the interested parties may submit their application forms on the following link: https://bit.ly/42FznUG. That educational workshop shall constitute the channel of communication onto the education of students, because it connects education with Εntrepreneurship, fostering collaborations, inasmuch enhancing the dynamics of actions both of EIT FOOD and Agribooster, too.
EIT Food, established by the Εuropean Institute of Innovation & Technology, forms a pan-European consortium, which focuses on business and innovation in the sector of foods provided by different partners all over Europe. In the wider community of ΕΙΤ Food, top companies and innovative start-up enterprises have been participating, as well as universities, even research centers coming from the broader sector of agri-food. The Agricultural University of Athens in cooperation with the non-profit-making organisation Industry Disruptors Game Changers, have submitted a pertinent proposal to the evaluation committee of the EIT Food Institute in 2021. The jury of EIT Food has selected the submitted proposal for being the regional hub of EIT Food in Greece. Today in the year 2003, the above partners continue to be the regional hub of EIT Food in Greece, as Community Partners.
As far as the Program Agribooster is concerned, it is an Acceleration Programme, which falls into the actions of the Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer Office of the Agricultural University of Athens, (InnovinAgri), aiming at the support of business ideas that pertain to the scientific and research objects of the Agricultural University of Athens. The particular program is being implemented within the framework of the project: “Fosterage of Support Actions of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Maturation, with regard to the Development of Research Activity and New Products inasmuch Services growing across the Agricultural University of Athens” (Project Code: MIS 5132772), by the co-financing of Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund), through the Operational Program, entitled: “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning”.
The object of the acceleration programme involves the implementation of an acceleration structure onto agri-food issues, offering to the beneficiaries, training services over innovation and entrepreneurship, advisory guidance upon financial aspects, fiscal matters and accounting approaches, in addition to technical subjects like agricultural topics and IT issues, including also legal matters. Τhe official page of the Program provides more information here .