Oblivion and assisted memory recalls. Individual course notes (handwritten / electronic
Dear student,
Happy academic year!
Welcome to the September 2022 Mnemonic Techniques workshop!
- If you are having difficulty in your studies,
- If you owe enough lessons,
- If you have trouble remembering what you read,
- If you find it difficult to "take" notes
- If you are wondering what is wrong with your exams,
Come to the Small Group Interactive Mnemonic Techniques Workshop''
who organizes it: the Career Office
when: On Friday, September 23, 2022
time: 13:00-15:00
Hyperlink: https://meet.jit.si/MnimonikesDrossinougpa20222309
The interactive small group workshop aims to present models of forgetting in relation to aided mnemonic recall. It is addressed to all students making requests for memory difficulties during their individual study method. On a theoretical level, we will discuss issues such as the forgetting curve, which depicts the percentage of learned information that is installed in long-term memory and that we forget over time. Mnemonic techniques are based on the recognition that the mnemonic trace fades or wears out over time or disuse. Also factored in is the presence of relevant and competing information that interferes with course retention, which interferes with retrieval, mnemonic recall, or displaces earlier information. On a practical level, we will work with exercises on individual course notes regarding the way to retain information, whether this happens with handwritten notes from the student himself or with electronic notes from the professor's lectures and slides. Emphasis will be placed on individual notes, their organization by the student, and easy mnemonic search and recall techniques.
Bibliographic reference: Roussos, P., L. (2011). Oblivion and mnemonic failures. In Cognitive Psychology, the basic cognitive processes (pp. 238-243). Athens: Place, in greek.
Topic speaker in the laboratory: Drossinou-Korea Maria, Phd in Psychology, Assistant Professor of Special Education and Training, external collaborator responsible for the specialized counseling support for students with disabilities and the disabled at the Career Office of the Agricultural University of Athens.
If you want to participate please sent message to career@aua.gr, referring your fullname, the department and year you study and your student registration number (if you have)