Mobilization of individual memory processes and cognitive competence in examinations

Dear students,
Welcome to the Memory Techniques workshop of June 2023!
• If you have difficulty studying,
• If you owe enough lessons,
• If you have difficulty remembering what you are reading,
• If you have difficulty "taking" notes
• If you are worried about what is wrong with your exams,
• Come to the small group Interactive Laboratory of Mnemonic Techniques
who organizes it: the Career Office
when: on Friday 30 June 2023
time: 13:00 - 15:00
The interactive small-group workshop aims to present the memory techniques regarding the mobilization of individual processes.
At a theoretical level we will discuss issues for the mobilization of individual memory processes according to cognitive neuroscience and mental imagery. It was not until 2000 that Kreiman and his colleagues discovered imagery neurons in the hippocampus, amygdala, and temporal lobe that mobilize and respond to one visual stimulus, not another, and still react so much to the perception of an object. as well as in his mental image. Examinations can therefore stimulate, mobilize the brain and lead it to cognitive competence, a fact that is reflected in magnetic neuroimaging (2014).
On a practical level we will work on exercises to mobilize individual memory processes and awareness of cognitive competence with emphasis on examinations on a specific goal set by the student when mobilizing to study.
Bibliographic reference: Roussos, P., L. (2011). Cognitive maps (pp. 195-200) and the organization of knowledge (pp The working memory model. In Cognitive Psychology, the basic cognitive processes (pp. 225-229). Athens: Place, in Greece.
Elliott, J.G. . & Grigorenko eL. L. (2015, d). The neurological basis of reading and reading difficulty, ch. 3. In V. Zakopoulou (Ed.), Dyslexia: New approaches - new perspectives (. P. Christodoulidis, Trans., pp. 165-216). Patras: GOTSIS
Topic speaker in the laboratory: Drossinou-Korea Maria, Phd in Psychology, Assistant Professor of Special Education and Training, external collaborator responsible for the specialized counseling support for students with disabilities and the disabled at the Career Office of the Agricultural University of Athens.
“Under the framework of Implementation of the Action: “Support for Interventions of Social Welfare Services about Students of the Agricultural University of Athens”, (MIS) 5045556 within the Operational Program, entitled: “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning”, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF)”.