Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSC) Post-doctoral Fellowships

Friday 02 Jul 2021

EU-CONEXUS has scheduled the next ‘’Research Hour” for Friday, 2nd of July 2021, 10:00-12:00 AM (CET) on “Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSC) Post-doctoral Fellowships ".

The objective is to provide a clear explanation for this specific call for proposals funding post-doctoral fellowships.

The session will address funding principles, eligibility criteria and evaluation process. Successful applicants and evaluators will participate and be available to answer any of your questions.

This event in English is open to any potential candidates/colleagues from the EU-CONEXUS network. For your information, here are the deadlines for the upcoming calls:  12 October, 2021 and 14 September 2022.

Registration is open until Wednesday, 30th of June: Here


The link below should be behind the Apply now button.


Program: https://www.eu-conexus.eu/en/events/research-hour-on-marie-sklodowska-curie-msc-post-doctoral-fellowships/