International Conference on: “Ecology - Agroecology - Environmental Health Monitoring and Protection” (“AgroEcology-2016”)

Monday 03 Oct 2016

Brief description of the International Conference


The Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of the Agricultural University of Athens organizes the 1st International Conference about:

“Ecology - Agroecology - Environmental Health Monitoring and Protection” (“AgroEcology-2016”)


The international conference will be held on 3rd and 4th of October 2016 at the Multipurpose Hall on the second floor of the Central Administration building at the premises of the Agricultural University of Athens.

The Conference topics will cover the three following sections:

Environmental Health Monitoring and Protection.


Effort will be made to cover all aspects of the issues: scientific, social, legal etc.

The content of the Conference touches on contemporary international matters and concerns and is in line with the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) trends.

Besides, the continuous degradation of the natural environment and the need for rational use of natural resources for economic development, highlights the usefulness of the Conference.

The organizers’ intention is to bring together experts from various fields so that multifaceted exchange of ideas and opinions can take place offering in this way an innovative character to the Conference.

It will also offer the opportunity to scientists and professionals from around the world to share knowledge, expertise, experience and innovative ideas and practices.

Moreover it promotes scientific tourism which the Agricultural University increasingly strives to develop with the organization of conferences and the participation of scientists from abroad.

Among the topics that will be analyzed, special importance holds the domain of Agrotourism and Eotourism (a Round Table will be dedicated to this issue) as well as critical issues regarding the national rural development and the its effective link with tourism in order to expand the country’s touristic period.

The results of the Conference are expected to provide useful ideas and suggestions that hopefully stakeholders- public and private- and scientists will utilize effectively.

After the end of the Conference there will be transcripts available and a Certificate of Attendance will be given to students who participated.

The Conference’s language is English


Professor Gerassimos Arapis

Director of the Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Agricultural University of Athens
