7th Scientific Meeting for Landraces and Indigenous Varieties ‘A century old heritage faced with contemporary challenges’

Leonidas Zervas Auditorium, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 48 Vasileos Konstantinou Ave (Evangelismos Metro Station)
The 7th Scientific Meeting for Landraces and Indigenous Varieties aims to bring together scientists from different fields as well as producers to foster dialogue and generate discussion on multiple aspects of Landraces and Indigenous Varieties. The aim is to research and shed light on the factors that have shaped Indigenous Varieties through times by looking at agronomical, economic and cultural drivers. The ultimate goal is to highlight the role that Indigenous Varieties can play in research, the economy as well as society as a whole in the future.
The 7th Scientific Meeting for Landraces and Indigenous Varieties organized by the Agricultural University of Athens, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the National Hellenic Research Foundation will be livestreamed (https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dg-IyUviQnOeZEanlrXKBQ). Instructions on how to follow the Meeting as well as the Program and the Announcement of the Meeting can be found here:
Entrance to the Meeting is free.